Boost your family’s health & help your kids thrive in body and mind

Michelle Henning
Certified Health & Parenting Coach

I’m here to help you overcome any health or parenting challenge. By working with me, you can achieve:

  • Improved family health and well-being, healthier eating habits, and calmer mealtimes.

  • Happier, more cooperative, and more resilient children who stay close to you as they grow.

Join My Upcoming Workshops

June 2024 - Date t.b.c.
Workshop about “Food and Mood” with Dajana Yoakley. More info coming soon! Sign up to be notified below.

Read My Book

A practical, easy guide for expecting parents, Grow Healthy Babies provides clear and simple steps for a healthy pregnancy and preventing chronic diseases including asthma, eczema, and allergies. Written by lifelong allergy sufferers who wanted their own children to grow up healthy, this is the comprehensive guidebook every parent needs.

Essential reading for anyone working in pregnancy health to be able to give the right advice to women to nurture their baby and optimise their future. A must read too for every pregnant person to understand how to switch on the best genes with nutritional guidance.”

- Dr Karen Joash, Head of School for Obstetrics and Gynaecology, NHS England

Talk To Me

Schedule a session with me to talk about your health or parenting challenges. The first 20-minute consultation is completely free - no commitments or obligations.

What parenting challenges can I help you overcome?

  • Tantrums and Meltdowns: Understanding the underlying emotions or needs that trigger these outbursts and addressing them empathetically.

  • Defiance and Power Struggles: Rather than escalating confrontations, learning to diffuse situations, understanding the root causes, and guiding children toward cooperative solutions.

  • Sibling Rivalry: Helping siblings cultivate a bond, manage jealousy, and resolve conflicts in a healthy manner.

  • Bedtime and Sleep Issues: Creating calm bedtime routines and addressing nighttime fears or anxieties.

  • Difficulty in Expressing Emotions: Teaching children to recognize, articulate, and manage their feelings without resorting to aggression or withdrawal.

  • Transition and Change: Assisting children in navigating changes such as starting school, moving homes, or welcoming a new sibling.

  • Attachment Issues: Building secure attachment and addressing separation anxiety or clinginess.

  • Behavioral Challenges: Addressing behaviors like lying, stealing, or aggressive outbursts with understanding and guidance instead of punishment.

  • Setting Boundaries: Learning to set firm yet empathic boundaries that respect the child's autonomy while ensuring safety and order.

  • School-Related Challenges: Handling issues like school refusal, homework resistance, or challenges in social interactions with peers.

  • Building Self-Esteem: Helping children develop a positive self-image and confidence in their abilities.

  • Limiting Screen Time: Strategizing ways to manage and reduce screen time without causing power struggles.

  • Calmer Meal Times: Fostering healthier eating habits and raising adventurous eaters.

  • Managing Your Own Emotions and Triggers: Empowering you to recognize and regulate your own emotional responses, ensuring that reactions to children's behaviors come from a place of calm and understanding rather than personal triggers or past traumas.

  • Co-Parenting with a Partner with Different Parenting Values: Navigating the challenges of raising children with a partner whose parenting philosophy may differ, by fostering open communication, finding common ground, and presenting a united front for the children's benefit.

  • Calmer Mealtimes: Helping families create a calm and enjoyable mealtime atmosphere, addressing any behavioural issues that disrupt peaceful mealtimes.

  • Picky Eating & Introducing New Foods: Exploring strategies to broaden food preferences and ensure a balanced intake of nutrients. Techniques for introducing new foods to children in an enjoyable and stress-free manner.

  • Meal Planning: Assisting in planning nutritious meals that cater to busy family schedules.

  • Food Allergies and Intolerances: Guiding families on managing, and potentially preventing, food allergies and intolerances, ensuring a safe and nutritious diet.

  • Healthier Snacking: Identifying triggers for unhealthy snacking and establishing healthier alternatives that satisfy and nourish.

  • Sugar Reduction: Strategies for reducing sugar intake while still enjoying satisfying meals and snacks.

  • Overeating or Emotional Eating: Uncovering emotional triggers for overeating and developing coping strategies to foster a healthy relationship with food.

  • Nutrition Transition: Assisting families in making nutritional transitions, whether due to health conditions, lifestyle changes, or dietary preferences like vegetarianism or veganism.

  • Family Cooking: Introducing enjoyable family cooking routines that encourage healthy eating and teach valuable nutritional skills.

  • Managing Chronic Conditions: Assisting families in managing chronic health conditions through dietary modifications and healthy living practices.

  • Special Diets: Guidance on managing special diets such as gluten-free, dairy-free, or low FODMAP in a family setting.

  • Boosting Immunity: Nutrition-based approaches to boosting the immune system, especially during flu seasons or in the face of common childhood illnesses.

  • Enhancing Energy Levels: Nutrition and lifestyle strategies for enhancing energy levels and combating fatigue.

  • Improving Digestion: Strategies for improving digestion and addressing common digestive issues through dietary changes.

  • Healthy Grocery Shopping: Guiding families on how to make healthier choices while grocery shopping, including understanding food labels and finding nutritious alternatives.

  • Healthy Eating on a Budget: Tips and strategies for eating healthily on a budget, including meal planning, budget-friendly recipes, and cost-effective shopping strategies.

  • Reducing Processed Foods: Guidance on reducing reliance on processed foods by incorporating more whole and nutritious foods into the family’s diet.

  • Nutritional Knowledge: Enhancing understanding of nutritional needs at different life stages, and empowering informed food choices.

How can I improve your family’s health & wellbeing?

“Working with Michelle took me out of the chaos. By setting priorities for what to focus on, she helped me transform my relationship with my kids.”

—Magda P.

Try a session for free - no commitments or obligations.

Schedule a consultation with Michelle